Video: Intermediate Performance Nutrition: Module 3 Intro (1 min)


In the second module, we advanced our discussion on metabolism and peripheral topics related to nutrition. Here, we will continue, introducing further aspects of relevant physiology and begin to discuss some common and unique scenarios that occur when working with athletes. Fat loss and muscle gain are common goals within athletic populations. However, achieving beyond-average results with well-trained and/or already lean individuals can be challenging, so we will outline some of the more nuanced considerations appropriate in these scenarios. Nutrient needs may change across the lifespan/in those with certain clinical conditions, physical impairments, and injuries or in those experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort arising from intolerances, allergies, or exercise itself. Thus, understanding key aspects that relate to nutrition is important for performance nutrition practitioners. Also, as athletes routinely travel for training/competition, we need to understand how nutrition requirements and the food environment impact the most effective feeding strategies. By the time you complete this module, you should have a good understanding of many aspects of performance nutrition and be ready to review the content in module 4, where we apply these principles.

Learning Outcomes

Module 3: Advanced Nutrition Concepts - Special Scenarios

  1. Apply nutritional strategies to enhance recovery and performance in athletes, focusing on optimal macronutrient distribution​​.
  2. Assess hydration needs and develop effective rehydration protocols based on individual sweat rates and environmental conditions​​.
  3. Implement evidence-based dietary interventions to support endurance athletes in achieving their performance goals​​.
  4. Create nutrition plans that address common issues such as gut distress and energy availability during training​​.
  5. Evaluate the impact of different dietary approaches on body composition and athletic performance​.

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