Level 2: Intermediate Performance Nutrition Introduction

Level 2: Intermediate Performance Nutrition Module Outline

Learning Outcomes

Module 1: Review of Fundamental Nutrition Concepts

  1. Explain the concept of energy balance and the role of fuel substrates in ATP generation for physical activities
  2. Identify the functions and requirements of macro- and micronutrients in maintaining optimal health and performance​​.
  3. Describe the importance of fluid balance and the impact of hydration on athletic performance and thermoregulation​​.
  4. Design a balanced diet plan tailored to the specific energy and nutrient needs of different types of athletes​​.
  5. Understand the UFCPI’s approach to diet prescription and the foundational principles of sports-specific nutrition​​.

Module 2: Advanced Nutrition Concepts

  1. Discuss the importance of nutrient timing and the role of specific macronutrients in optimizing sports performance​​.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of various dietary supplements and their appropriate use in athletic contexts​​.
  3. Analyze the dietary needs of athletes during different training phases and competitive periods​​.
  4. Develop personalized nutrition plans that address the unique demands of various sports and individual athlete profiles​​.
  5. Understand the relationship between diet composition, meal timing, and athletic outcomes​​.

Module 3: Advanced Nutrition Concepts - Special Scenarios

  1. Apply nutritional strategies to enhance recovery and performance in athletes, focusing on optimal macronutrient distribution​​.
  2. Assess hydration needs and develop effective rehydration protocols based on individual sweat rates and environmental conditions​​.
  3. Implement evidence-based dietary interventions to support endurance athletes in achieving their performance goals​​.
  4. Create nutrition plans that address common issues such as gut distress and energy availability during training​​.
  5. Evaluate the impact of different dietary approaches on body composition and athletic performance​.

Module 4: Applied Nutrition

  1. Demonstrate the application of nutrition principles through case studies on long-term body composition management​​.
  2. Develop tailored nutrition strategies for endurance athletes, focusing on fueling, hydration, and recovery​​.
  3. Address the unique nutritional needs and challenges of working with teams and in alternative sports​​.
  4. Analyze and adjust dietary plans based on the specific goals and feedback of both beginner and professional athletes​​.
  5. Understand the considerations for optimizing nutrition in various environmental conditions and sporting disciplines​​.

Module 5: Interdisciplinary Solutions

  1. Understand how to act as an interdisciplinary team to promote performance enhancement with individual athletes.
  2. Understand how to develop effective interdisciplinary solutions in a group/team-based setting.

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